Globalization will lead to the total loss of cultural identity.

Globalization means that in some ways people around the world are becoming similar. We often eat the same food, watch the same TV programmes, listen to the same music and we wear the same clothes. Some of this at least can be blamed on the spread of multinational brands available all over the world.Basically, it may appear as if the global diversity of cultural identities is being lost. If,the argument goes, people in Bhutan  and london look and dress the same, then that must mean that cultural differences are disappearing. However, i would argue that this is a very narrow definition of culture and that in fact cultural differences are as present as ever. living in multiracial and multicultural as Bhutan teach me on how unique is Bhutan  as we can live together in peace and celebrate each other festive together. The mass communication and social networks growth, we not only share what we do and what we have to make others following our trend and style. it is true that most of youngster today like to be updated in fashion, gadget and livingstyle which is more and more like leading to globalization phenomenon. But we in bhutan still have strong believed in our cultural. The truth is we still celebrating religious celebration according to our religion. Annual religious festival  celebrating by wearing gho and kira  costume or dress. Cultural identity is built on far more than just the gadget we use, the brand of handbag or cloths we wear or the food we eat. The foundation of cultural identity is shared values.When you look in detail at different cultures, you realize that the things that are important to one culture can be very different from the things valued by another culture.
