Proud Bhutanese

 My Country. Bhutan is a Himalayan Kingdom nestled between China in the North and India in the South. In the local term Bhutan is otherwise known as Druk Yul meaning Land of the Thunder Dragon and people are known as Drukpas meaning people of Druk Yul. ... Bhutan is the youngest democratic country in the world.


The  ideology was the brain child of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck who, having gained a modern education in India and the UK, realised that mere economic success did not necessarily translate into a content and happy society. Consequently, soon after his coronation in 1974, the young king began to float the idea of developing a new set of guidelines by which to govern the country. Slowly these ideas took shape, and in 1998 the GNH indicator was established. GNH stands for "Gross National Happiness" and is defined by the following four objectives: to increase economic growth and development, preserve and promote the cultural heritage, encourage sustainable use of the environment, and establish good governance. While the concept of GNH receives much international praise and is a major draw for tourists, potential visitors should be aware that the idea is very much in its incubation stage, and there is very little evidence of GNH in the country itself.
